Water and air are assets of primary importance for life on this entire planet, and for this very reason it is essential to develop and ever improve the systems dedicated to their handling and treatment for removal of contaminants of municipal/urban and industrial origin.
The particular design of Refill-Tech Solutions' technologies and our Patents show themselves to be essential in optimising processes and providing superior performance of the numerous plant systems involved in water management, from biological oxidation to sedimentation and the separation of oils and hydrocarbons.


  • torri evaporative

    Evaporative Cooling Towers

    The product range for Evaporative Cooling Towers includes:

    Film and Splash-type Structured Fill Media: FMC 12, FMC 19, FMC 27, FMC 50, FMV 21, NMV 30
Panel-type Drift Eliminators: DES 130, DEC 130, DEC 140, BLADE
Air Inlet Louvers: IL 65, IL 80

    Technical Data Sheets:
    FMC 12 FMC 19 FMC 27 FMC 50 FMV 21 NMV 30 DES 130 DEC 130 DEC 140 BLADE IL 65 IL 80

  • sedimentazione


    The product range for sedimentation includes:

    Lamella Settler Modules: LSM 40, LSM 50, LSM 60, LSM 80, LSM 80 PLUS, LSM GRP

    Technical Data Sheets:  LSM 40 LSM 50 LSM 60 LSM 80LSM 80 PLUS LSM GRP

  • separazazione_oli_idrocarburi

    Oil and Hydrocarbon Separators

    The product range for this sector includes:

    Coalescing Filters: TFM 12, TFM 19, TFM 27

    Technical Data Sheets:  TFM 12 TFM 19 TFM 27


  • biomasse_adese

    Trickling Filters and Rotating Biological Contactors

    The product range for biological wastewater treatment,
    using trickling filters and rotating biological contactors includes:

    TFM series Structured Fill Media: TFM 12, TFM 19, TFM 27

    Random Fill Media: Ring, Sagm, Cascade

    Technical Data Sheets:
  • Acque meteoriche &  dissesto idrogeologico

    Submerged-bed, Fixed-growth Biofilters

    The product range for biological wastewater treatment employing biofilters and submerged,
    moving-bed bioreactors includes:

    TFM series Structured Fill Media for (IFFAS) biofilters: TFM 12, TFM 19, TFM 27
MBBR Carriers: SAGM

    Technical Data Sheets:
    TFM 12 TFM 19 TFM 27 SAGM

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